My name is María del Carmen Pérez Díaz, but everybody calls me Marita. I recently received my Master of Arts in Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism at Newhouse in Syracuse University, where I was awarded a Graduate Fellowship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
I was born in Cuba, where I graduated as a journalist from the University of Havana in 2013. I am currently based in Miami.
I have worked in Cuba and the United States as a reporter and editor since 2014 for the American publication OnCuba News.
Besides multimedia journalism and reporting, I also like learning new digital skills on my free time. That includes some app coding and new marketing trends, but also some painting techniques and chess strategies.
I have a puppy named Dobby that is the light of my life. I mean, look at this…
And here it is some painting I did of him sleeping.
I strongly believe that one become a better person and human being after getting such a strong connection with a pet, after getting empathy, love and caring for all living things.
If you want to know more about me, this Bio video has some more info. I made it when I was still at school as a class assignment, but I think it has some more information about my values, my experiences of life and work in general.
I am still figuring out the questions most of us have about life and ourselves. Journalism is a great way to get some answers to those questions and contribute to the society we live in.